Industry leading private-equity funds run

Automated error-free fund operations

We automate your back office so you can focus on creating value. Unleash the full potential of your team!

Venture Capital
Over 200 fund and investors' KPIs tracked in the platform to allow an easy, fast and error-free reporting to LPs.

Venture Capital

Over 200 fund and investors' KPIs tracked in the platform to allow an easy, fast and error-free reporting to LPs
Corporate VCs. Company-specific metrics enable fund managers to evaluate companies' alignment with financial goals.

Corporate VCs

Company-specific metrics enable fund managers to evaluate companies' alignment with financial goals
Private Equity. In depth analytics and metrics both on a fund and portfolio level to ensure the highest accuracy and completeness.

Private Equity

In depth analytics and metrics both on a fund and portfolio level to ensure the highest accuracy and completeness
Funds running

We automate your backoffice so you can focus on creating value

Fully automated error-free fund operations and advanced simulations

More than 500 Innovation Ecosystems Developed in the past decade in 3 headlines

Endless customization options tailored to your needs. adapts to your workflow. Create your indicators, reports, cross-fund metrics, advanced simulations, etc.

Our solutions

Error-free fund operations, back office engine. is a ready-to-use automation software that supports you throughout the whole fund lifecycle.

Our technology

Developed by Global Incubator. Innovating since 2010.

In the last 10 years, we have worked with top companies around the world delivering game-changing software solutions.

Who we are Automated error-free fund operations

What people say about us

“Thanks to, our internal processes have improved drastically, we stopped wasting time on repetitive and calculus intensive tasks and are able to get just the data we need whenever we want. We used to spend an average of 5 hours on tasks which now just take a few minutes. Furthermore, the team is highly supportive and has helped us during the transition to a fully digital and innovative solution”

Seaya Ventures | Fund Client

" has played an essential role in helping us centralize some of our operations, KPIs and return metrics in one single platform. On top of that, the investor portal and the automatic document generator have noticeably simplified some of our LP relationship tasks"

All Iron Ventures | Fund Client

"I wanted to congratulate All Iron Ventures for the investor portal you have launched. Because of my job I have access to many fund portals and yours is one of the best and most user friendly I have used"

All Iron Ventures's LP | Investor

"Sending notifications and documents to all the investors automatically has helped me save so much time and be more productive"

Joan Estafeta | Fund Client

Our Solutions

We have worked with some of the best private equities in Spain to solve all those pain points that are lurking in their day-to-day activities.


A fully automated solution. Forget repetitive tasks.

Keep track of all your indicators on one page. Avoid errors and uncertainty created by endless rounds of reviews of Excel sheets.


Deliver error-free and timely reports.

Share reports with your investors in just 1 click. You can personalize which specific metrics are delivered to each investor.

Data Room

A secure Data Room that meets the highest standards.

We provide both a public depository for fund documents and a private section for each investor that complies with the highest industry standards.


A SaaS tailored to your needs.

Adapt to your workflow, not the other way around. Create your indicators which are then calculated automatically through your portfolio. Solutions. We have worked with some of the best VCs in Spain to solve all those pain points that are lurking in their day-to-day activities.

Time to set up starting from just 24 hours! Onboarding starting from just 24 hours!
1. Sign the contract

We always prepare a tailored development plan based on your portfolio requirements. Onboarding starting from just 24 hours!
2. Upload your data

Fill in an Excel template and upload it to the platform. Onboarding starting from just 24 hours!
3. Customize the platform

Let us know about all the formulas and indicators you would like to add. Onboarding starting from just 24 hours!
4. Give access to investors

Open up the investor portal. Users will then automatically receive a link to sign in. Onboarding starting from just 24 hours!
5. Manage your funds

Fund and portfolio operations, simulations, and much more. Onboarding starting from just 24 hours!
6. Keep growing with us

Give us your feedback and benefit from our continuous platform improvements.

Our Technology adapts to the way you run your fund, not the other way around. Fund Management. Accurate and complete information in one page.

Fund Management

  • Accurate and complete information in one page.
  • Keep track of all your metrics with over 100 fund indicators.
  • Create personalized documents in just a few clicks.
  • Tailored to your needs, you can create your indicators.

Portfolio Management

  • Centralize all your investments and keep track of all the relevant metrics.
  • Analyze your exposition to different currencies and how the exchange rate affected your investment.
  • Generate portfolio simulations to know how your portfolio evolves.
  • Cross-fund analysis to visualize your overall return across different investment vehicles. Portfolio Management. Centralize all your investments and keep track of all the relevant metrics. LPs Portal. Error-free and timely. Share your reports and metrics instantaneously.

LPs Portal

  • Error-free and timely. Share your reports and metrics instantaneously.
  • A secure platform that complies with the highest industry standards.
  • Digital KYC lets your investors subscribe to your fund in a few clicks.
  • Digital Signature, let your investors sign documents securely within the platform.
Our company

Global Incubator

Since 2010, we have designed, accelerated, and managed +500 digital ecosystems for knowledge management and innovation.

Our years of experience in the sector have allowed us to learn and adapt best practices in more than 20 large national and international clients, adapting innovation flows to their characteristics and needs.

Global Incubator's clients

You're in good company

Innovation Ecosystems developed in the last decade.
Value generated through our
best solutions.
Innovators used some of our
products and services

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I have never used a platform?

That is awesome! Just schedule a call with us and we will get you up and running in a day!

First of all, we will support you throughout the whole onboarding process and help you out with your first operations.

Furthermore, we take care of the whole customization of the platform meaning, you will not have to worry about that.

What if I am already using another platform?

Well, no need to worry our platform has been built to be able to connect with any other platform, so that you can just integrate within your workflow and only take advantage of all those features that you are interested in.

If on the other hand, you are thinking about using only, well even better! You can upload all your data to the platform by simply uploading an excel and start working in as little as 24 hours!